This blog is a conversation among members and friends of Simply Living about our community radio station: WCRS. Here we can imagine and discuss what our station might look like once it is up and running. What will we hear? Who will we hear? How will we further our mission with radio? In this space you will find links to podcasts (audio files) consistent with our mission to simplify our lives, green the earth and heal toward wholeness. Let us know what you like. Also respond to and share ideas about the station. Let us live, listen to, speak and sing the change we seek for the world.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Willits, CA: Peak Oil Ready?

Jason Bradford, founder of the Willits Economic Localization (WELL), speaks with Global Public Media’s David Room about climate change, oil peak, and how Willits is preparing for an energy-constrained future. He discusses how WELL got started, the efforts of the group, and their progress.

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This interview was first podcast on May 2, 2005.

What do you think of this interview? How should the radio station address the Peak Oil issue?

(Editor's note: This podcast is published on a third party web site and is linked to from this blog. Files may be deleted or moved without notice. If you notice a file is missing, please notify the manager or this blog and we will do the best we can locate the file.)


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